by Nancy Herkness | Mar 19, 2013 | Books, Romance, RWA, Uncategorized, writing
Maybe I should explain what a writing challenge IS first. The most famous one I know of is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where participants attempt to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I find this virtually impossible on two counts: 1) November...
by Nancy Herkness | Feb 13, 2013 | Adventures, travel, Uncategorized
This was the question everyone asked when my Handsome Husband and I found ourselves with a dog-sitter, an open weekend, and cancelled travel plans. We decided to go to Philadelphia and no one could figure out why. Herewith are all the good reasons. First, I got a...
by Nancy Herkness | Feb 5, 2013 | Books, Home, Take Me Home, Uncategorized, West Virginia
Yup, my book is representing my home state of West Virginia (Go, Mountaineers!) on Amazon’s map of 50 Great American Love Stories. I am so honored to be chosen for the job and a little overawed by some of my fellow authors on the map: me and Margaret Mitchell...
by Nancy Herkness | Jan 23, 2013 | Books, Home, Uncategorized, writing
Now you can find out what MY office looks like, at least. Norah Wilson has a fun blog feature called Workspace Wednesday where she asks fellow authors to reveal their true environments. Come find out more about mine at: There are photos and commentary...
by Nancy Herkness | Jan 20, 2013 | Take Me Home, Uncategorized
Yesterday TAKE ME HOME was among the Kindle Deals of the Day. Your support boosted it into the Top 100 Kindle Books. Many, many thanks! You are the BEST readers!
by Nancy Herkness | Jan 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
Yeehaw! Amazon has reduced the price of TAKE ME HOME to $1.99 for your Kindle for today, January 19th. If you’d like to get my book at a great price, click on over to :