by Nancy Herkness | Jan 3, 2013 | Books, holidays, Romance, Uncategorized
Wow! Connie Brockway has a good memory! She gives a thumbs-up to my book SHOWER OF STARS in her romance blog. SOS was originally published in 2004 so I’m delighted to have it brought to readers’ attention again. I hope you’ll check out what Connie...
by Nancy Herkness | Dec 2, 2012 | Books, Take Me Home, Uncategorized, writing
I know many folks are reading Take Me Home on their Kindle, but I do have a rather pretty (even if I do say so myself!) bookmark for those who like print as well. As a holiday gift, I will send the first 25 people who request it not one, but two, bookmarks: one...
by Nancy Herkness | Nov 15, 2012 | Books, Country Roads, Romance, Uncategorized
Thanks to a fellow author, Jennifer Wilck, for tagging me with the ziggy zig zag tag—“You’ve got the LOOK!” As part of this tag, I have to take my most recent work-in-progress or my current manuscript and search for the word “look,” then post the surrounding...
by Nancy Herkness | Nov 7, 2012 | Books, horses, Take Me Home, Uncategorized, Whisper Horse
Joyce Lamb from USAToday’s HEA blog did! She asked me to post about how I came up with the whisper horse concept for my new series beginning with TAKE ME HOME. You’ll even meet my original whisper pony Papoose. Read it here: USAToday HEA blog.
by Nancy Herkness | Nov 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yes, I am totally excited about the release of TAKE ME HOME, the first book in my Whisper Horse series. It’s set in the mountains of West Virginia where I grew up. It has lots of horses in it. I loved drawing on all my memories to write it, and I hope...
by Nancy Herkness | Oct 11, 2012 | Adventures, travel, Uncategorized
Exploring outside Santa Fe is fabulous too. We headed north to Taos where, much to our disappointment, the Taos Pueblo was closed for undisclosed reasons. However, I was delighted to discover that the fifth highest vehicular bridge in the U.S. is nearby. You all...