by Nancy Herkness | Feb 15, 2012 | Adventures, travel, Uncategorized
In my last post I talked about all of the new buildings rising up from the ashes of the World Trade Center site. Of course, it is also the site of a terrible tragedy and everyone who works there is very aware of that. The 9/11 museum which is actually under the site...
by Nancy Herkness | Feb 7, 2012 | Adventures, travel, Uncategorized
We have our very own hometown hero here in Glen Ridge: Steve Plate, the Director of Construction for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It’s quite a title because he has quite a job: directing the construction of the entire World Trade Center site....
by Nancy Herkness | Jan 27, 2012 | Family, travel, Uncategorized
Handsome Husband and I like to go way, way south to get warm after Christmas. Being wanderers, we rarely go to the same Caribbean island twice. So this year we checked out the Turks and Caicos, staying on the island of Providenciales. My father, who commanded a...
by Nancy Herkness | Dec 22, 2011 | Adventures, holidays, Uncategorized
My friend Betsy and I decided we hadn’t been on an adventure in too long. So we jumped in her car and headed down south of Philadelphia to Longwood Gardens, the “small farm” Pierre S. DuPont transformed into a spectacular estate. At this time of...
by Nancy Herkness | Dec 1, 2011 | Holiday gifts, holidays, Uncategorized
After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, this is exactly how I felt: The good news is you can own this entertaining, if a little odd, wine bottle holder all for yourself. It’s only $38.00 and can be ordered...
by Nancy Herkness | Nov 20, 2011 | travel, Uncategorized
Handsome Husband and I had planned a romantic escape to a picturesque country inn in Stockton, NJ last week. The Woolverton Inn was built in Colonial times and is absolutely delightful as you can see in this photo: Our room was in this charming little cottage (the...