O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!  My Darling Daughter is home from college for four whole days!  This is the first time I’ve seen her since late August, and I’ve missed her a ton.

D.D. is a freshman at Kenyon College in the cornfields of Ohio.  She loves it there, having settled in with not a moment’s homesickness, much to my relief.  She’s an English geek, like me, and Kenyon is noted for its English and Creative Writing program, one of the reasons she chose to go there.

Our children can be very wise.  When my husband asked D. D. what stood out for her about her experience at Kenyon so far, she had a great answer.  She said she loved being part of a whole group of people who are passionate about the same things she is.  Isn’t that one of the great things in life?